Municipal Budget 2023

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Consultation has concluded

The RM of Edenwold is in the process of drafting the 2023 Municipal Budget. The municipal budget predicts how much the municipality will earn in revenue each year and how much it expects to spend on expenses. The budget accounts for property taxes, public works operations, utilities, grants, wages and benefits, technology and software, and other municipal costs. The budget is designed to ensure a high level of service and continual improvements to quality-of-life for residents and businesses.

The municipality uses the budget to calculate how much residents and businesses will be charged for services (i.e. tax rates, utility rates, custom work rates, etc.) and how money will be used. The budget is a public document and, once adopted, will be available on our website. The municipality will also summarize key budget items (e.g. operating expenses by department, capital expenses for the year, mill rates, etc.) through a handy graphic. To review past budgets, please click here.

To provide residents and business owners the opportunity to show Council and staff what is important to them for the 2023 budget, the municipality published an online survey in late 2022. This survey was promoted in the Community Newsletter, online, and during the 2022 Municipal Election. The survey was open from November 2nd to the 18th and had 62 submissions. Council is reviewing the survey results and using the data to shape the projects and priorities for 2023.

If you are curious about the 2023 Budget, please contact Sara Gartshore, Financial Officer, at or (306) 347-2961

How to get involved :

  • Post questions in our Q&A section
  • Talk to your Councillor about projects or priorities you think are important for the municipality in 2023
  • Stay tuned for more information about the municipal budget in early 2023

The RM of Edenwold is in the process of drafting the 2023 Municipal Budget. The municipal budget predicts how much the municipality will earn in revenue each year and how much it expects to spend on expenses. The budget accounts for property taxes, public works operations, utilities, grants, wages and benefits, technology and software, and other municipal costs. The budget is designed to ensure a high level of service and continual improvements to quality-of-life for residents and businesses.

The municipality uses the budget to calculate how much residents and businesses will be charged for services (i.e. tax rates, utility rates, custom work rates, etc.) and how money will be used. The budget is a public document and, once adopted, will be available on our website. The municipality will also summarize key budget items (e.g. operating expenses by department, capital expenses for the year, mill rates, etc.) through a handy graphic. To review past budgets, please click here.

To provide residents and business owners the opportunity to show Council and staff what is important to them for the 2023 budget, the municipality published an online survey in late 2022. This survey was promoted in the Community Newsletter, online, and during the 2022 Municipal Election. The survey was open from November 2nd to the 18th and had 62 submissions. Council is reviewing the survey results and using the data to shape the projects and priorities for 2023.

If you are curious about the 2023 Budget, please contact Sara Gartshore, Financial Officer, at or (306) 347-2961

How to get involved :

  • Post questions in our Q&A section
  • Talk to your Councillor about projects or priorities you think are important for the municipality in 2023
  • Stay tuned for more information about the municipal budget in early 2023
Consultation has concluded

Do you have any questions about the 2023 Municipal Budget? Please ask them here!

An RM employee will respond to your question within 48 hours.

Please be advised that your questions, and the subsequent answer, may be published publicly for general information.